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Social Responsibility

"Do not do evil things though they may be insignificant. Do not give up good things though they may be minor matters. "---Chiniese Proverb


Huadai Group recognises that the logistics industry has a vital role to play in envirionmental management.Huadai Group consider its social responsibility seriously, our business activities should positively impact on the environment in which we operate.


We aim to maintain the highest possible standards in quality, safety, health, legal compliance, training, and environmental management within our business.Huadai International Freight believes in supporting the local communities within which our business operates, along with a number of charitable organisations.


Besides,Huadai Group always eyes on the minor matters and improving as bit by bit.We recycle waste paper,packaging materials ,support our customer with paperless invoicing,replace traditional fuel as clean energy and improve the efficiency of energy,orgnize and join the activity for voluntary workers around.


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